Please Fill Out This Form

Register your child into our preschool by filling out the form below.

Please enter YOUR information below
In addition to those listed above, the following individuals may pickup my child:
To keep our preschool running smoothly, please agree to all of these policies:

I agree to pay the monthly tuition by the first day of each month, as well as the non-refundable registration fee to reserve my child’s place and pay for his/her school supplies.

I give permission for my child’s photograph(s) and/or videotaping(s) to be used for preschool marketing materials offline and online, newsletters, and art projects.

Kelli's Little Learners preschool owns a bounce house, and by allowing my child to use the bounce house during preschool hours, I acknowledge the inherent risks and hazards, including the risk of serious injury or death. I voluntarily assume all associated risks and hazards, and I release the preschool and its affiliates from any claims arising out of my child's use of the bounce house. I understand and agree to the terms outlined in this agreement.

I agree to abide by the Policies & Procedures Handbook which I will receive.

© Kelli's Little Learners

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